The 66 books posted on in August 2023

Here is the list of the 66 books that I posted on in August 2023. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- All-Night Pharmacy by Ruth Madievsky (on this site)
- Amos Oz: The Legacy of a Writer in Israel and Beyond by Ranen Omer-Sherman (on this site)
- An Interreligious Dialogue by Michael Green (on this site)
- Antisemitism and Racism: Ethical Challenges for Psychoanalysis by Stephen Frosh (on this site)
- As I Said: A Dissent by Abby Minor (on this site)
- Beyond the Land by Melissa Weininger (on this site)
- Bohemia’s Jews and Their Nineteenth Century by Jindrich Toman (on this site)
- Bringing Rain: A Modern Jewish Folktale by Sharona Hassan (on this site)
- Building a City by Sheila E. Jelen, Jeffrey Saks, Wendy Zierler (Editors) (on this site)
- Burgenland: Village Secrets and the First Tremors of the Holocaust by David Joseph (on this site)
- Catastrophic Grief, Trauma, and Resilience in Child Concentration Camp Survivors by Tracey Rori Farber, Gillian Eagle, Cora Smith (on this site)
- The Changing Landscape of Israeli Archaeology by Hayah Katz (on this site)
- Charwood by Josh Schlossberg (on this site)
- The Circlemaker by Maxine Rose Schur (on this site)
- The Do More Club by Dana Kramaroff (on this site)
- Eighteen Days in October by Uri Kaufman (on this site)
- First Light by Marc H. Ellis (on this site)
- Framing the Holocaust by Valerie Hébert (Editor) (on this site)
- Funny, You Don’t Look Funny by Jennifer Caplan (on this site)
- The Giving Table by Naomi Ross (on this site)
- Golda Meir: Israel’s Matriarch by Deborah E. Lipstadt (on this site)
- Golem Goes to Camp by Todd Gutnick (on this site)
- Goodbye, Eastern Europe by Jacob Mikanowski (on this site)
- Heroes with Chutzpah by Deborah Bodin Cohen, Rabbi Kerry Olitzky (on this site)
- Honor, History, Holocaust; Thoughts on “Zaidy’s War” by Martin Bodek (on this site)
- Hope by Andrew Ridker (on this site)
- Hosea’s God: A Metaphorical Theology by Mason D. Lancaster (on this site)
- How to Become an American by Daniel Wolff (on this site)
- Human-Divine Interactions in the Hebrew Scriptures by Berel Dov Lerner (on this site)
- If Only You Could Bottle It by Jack Nusan Porter (on this site)
- Jewish Futures: Science Fiction from the World’s Oldest Diaspora by Michael A. Burstein (Editor) (on this site)
- Jewish Virtue Ethics by Geoffrey D. Claussen, Alexander Green, Alan L. Mittleman (Editors) (on this site)
- Jews and Christians in the Roman World by Steve Mason (on this site)
- Jews in Post-War Wrocław and L’viv by Izabela Kazejak (on this site)
- Judaism and Its Bible by Frederick E. Greenspahn (on this site)
- Kayla and Kugel’s Silly Sukkot by Ann D. Koffsky (on this site)
- Kissing Kosher by Jean Meltzer (on this site)
- Kugels and Collards by Rachel Gordin Barnett, Lyssa Kligman Harvey (on this site)
- The Last Songbird by Daniel Weizmann (on this site)
- The Last Train by Peter Bradley (on this site)
- Let There Be Light-Genesis by Richard Rinberg, Hayim ben Yosef Tawil (on this site)
- Light Rises by Rachel Wesson (on this site)
- Malamud: Novels and Stories of the 1970s & 80s by Bernard Malamud (on this site)
- Nothing Could Stop Her by Rona Arato (on this site)
- Our Little Histories by Janice Weizman (on this site)
- Out and About: A Tale of Giving by Liza Wiemer (on this site)
- Parallel Lines by Ruth Marks Eglash (on this site)
- The Postcard by Anne Berest (on this site)
- The Postcard by Carly Schabowski (on this site)
- Professor Schiff’s Guilt by Agur Schiff (on this site)
- Questions to Ask Before Your Bat Mitzvah by Morgan Bassichis, Jay Saper, Rachel Valinsky (Editors) (on this site)
- Resisters by Wolf Gruner (on this site)
- Saving Freud: The Rescuers Who Brought Him to Freedom by Andrew Nagorski (on this site)
- The Sea Elephants by Shastri Akella (on this site)
- Shoshi’s Shabbat by Caryn Yacowitz (on this site)
- Sizzle Reel by Carlyn Greenwald (on this site)
- The State of Desire by Lea Taragin-Zeller (on this site)
- Testimonies of Resistance: Representations of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Sonderkommando by Nicholas Chare, Dominic Williams (Editors) (on this site)
- Time’s Echo by Jeremy Eichler (on this site)
- The Tripod: A New Perspective On The Shalosh Regalim by Rabbi Neil Lauer (on this site)
- Two Tribes by Emily Bowen Cohen (on this site)
- Tzimmes for Tzipporah by Megan Hoyt (on this site)
- Unorthodox Love by Heidi Shertok (on this site)
- Untethered by Ruth Rakoff (on this site)
- With My Shadow: The Poems of Hilde Domin by Hilde Domin (on this site)
- Woman of Valor by Lynne Golodner (on this site)