The 33 books posted on in May 2024

Here is the list of the 33 books that I posted on in May 2024. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- Artifice by Sharon Cameron (on this site)
- Books Like Sapphires: From the Library of Congress Judaica Collection by Ann Brener (on this site)
- The Comics of Asaf Hanuka: Telling Particular and Universal Stories by Matt Reingold (on this site)
- The Devash Megillat Esther by Shoshanna Lockshin, Efrayim Unterman (on this site)
- The Forbidden Daughter by Zipora Klein Jakob (on this site)
- Frayed: The Disputes Unraveling Religious Zionists by Yair Ettinger (on this site)
- The Hebrew Teacher by Maya Arad (on this site)
- I Am Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Brad Meltzer (on this site)
- The International Jewish Cookbook by Florence Kreisler Greenbaum (on this site)
- Intertwined Ambitions: A Captivating Novel Weaving Family Drama, Business Development, and Political Intrigue(on this site)
- An Island Promise by Patricia Wilson (on this site)
- The Jewish Holiday Table by Naama Shefi (on this site)
- Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life by Shai Held (on this site)
- Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl by Sara Waxelbaum, Brianna R. Shrum (on this site)
- Mighty Micah by Jane Yolen (on this site)
- The Necessity of Exile: Essays from a Distance (Political Imagination) by Shaul Magid (on this site)
- Operation Bethlehem: An Espionage Thriller by Yariv Inbar (on this site)
- Pickle Barrel Tales: More Borscht Belt BS by Bart A. Charlow (on this site)
- The Punk-Rock Queen of the Jews by Rossi (on this site)
- Rising by Sidura Ludwig (on this site)
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr: On Jews and Israel by Jaime Kardontchik (on this site)
- The Schlemiel Kids Save the Moon by Audrey Barbakoff (on this site)
- The Sister Knot by Ann S Epstein (on this site)
- Things That Shimmer by Deborah Lakritz (on this site)
- Too Many Golems by Jane Yolen (on this site)
- Ukrainian Jewish Cookbook by Inna Kucher (on this site)
- Untertauchen by Arthur M. James (on this site)
- Victory Parade by Leela Corman (on this site)
- When There Was Light by Carlie Hoffman (on this site)
- Why Rain Comes from Above: Explorations in Religious Imagination by Devora Steinmetz (on this site)
- Worry by Alexandra Tanner (on this site)
- Write like a Man: Jewish Masculinity and the New York Intellectuals by Ronnie A. Grinberg (on this site)
- Your Presence Is Mandatory by Sasha Vasilyuk (on this site)