The 52 books posted on in July 2021

Here is the list of the 52 books that I posted on in July 2021. The image above contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- 37 Days at Sea: Aboard the M.S. St. Louis, 1939 by Barbara Krasner (on this site)
- The Auschwitz Violinist by Jonathan Dunsky (on this site)
- Beyond Chopped Liver: 59 Jewish Recipes Get a Vegan Health Makeover by Kenden Alfond (on this site)
- Boy from Buchenwald by Robbie Waisman, Susan McClelland (on this site)
- Brown Scarf Blues by Mois Benarroch (on this site)
- Bullets Aren’t Kosher by Ezra Barany (on this site)
- Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler (on this site)
- Cousins’ Club by Warren Alexander (on this site)
- Defying Death on the Danube: A Holocaust Survival Story by Debbie J Callahan, Henry Stern (on this site)
- Don’t Ask My Name: A Hidden Child’s Tale of Survival by Erika Hecht (on this site)
- The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir by Sherry Turkle (on this site)
- A Fortress in Brooklyn: Race, Real Estate, and the Making of Hasidic Williamsburg by Nathaniel Deutsch, Michael Casper (on this site)
- Gate of Verses: Shemos: An English Translation of the Arizal’s Commentary on the Torah by Pinchas Winston (on this site)
- Hiding Baby Moses by Judith L. Roth (on this site)
- Honey & Co: Chasing Smoke: Cooking Over Fire Around the Levant by Sarit Packer & Itamar Srulovich (on this site)
- The House of Fragile Things: Jewish Art Collectors and the Fall of France by James McAuley (on this site)
- I Am the Storm: My Odyssey from the Holocaust to the Frontiers of Medicine by Morrell Michael Avram (on this site)
- Jacobo’s Rainbow by David Hirshberg (on this site)
- Lamentations: Faith in a Turbulent World by Yael Ziegler (on this site)
- Last Summer at the Golden Hotel by Elyssa Friedland (on this site)
- Letters to Camondo by Edmund de Waal (on this site)
- The Light of the Eyes: Homilies on the Torah by Rabbi Menachem Nahum (on this site)
- Love Like Water, Love Like Fire by Mikhail Iossel (on this site)
- Moe Fields by Stuart Z Goldstein (on this site)
- Mouth of the Donkey by Laura Duhan-Kaplan (on this site)
- Natan Sharansky: Freedom Fighter for Soviet Jews by Blake Hoena (on this site)
- Nurture Their Nature: The Torah’s Essential Guidance for Parents and Teachers by Rabbi Yosef Lynn, Rabbi Jack Cohen (on this site)
- On My Right Michael, On My Left Gabriel: Angels in Ancient Jewish Culture by Mika Ahuvia (on this site)
- One Small Hop by Madelyn Rosenberg (on this site)
- Out of Hiding: A Holocaust Survivor’s Journey to America by Ruth Gruener (on this site)
- Pursuit of Peril: Their only path to survival by Marlys Adler, Isaac Adler (on this site)
- Raising, and Losing, My Remarkable Teenage Mother by Stacey Aaronson (on this site)
- Ravenous: Otto Warburg, the Nazis, and the Search for the Cancer-Diet Connection by Sam Apple (on this site)
- Refugees on the Run by Chris Brack, Sheila Seifert (on this site)
- Remote Sympathy by Catherine Chidgey (on this site)
- Sefer Orchot Tzaddikim : Ways Of The Righteous (on this site)
- Sephardi: Cooking the History by Hélène Jawhara Piñer (on this site)
- The Shelter and the Fence: When 982 Holocaust Refugees Found Safe Haven in America by Norman H. Finkelstein (on this site)
- Soles of a Survivor by Nhi Aronheim (on this site)
- Spin: A Novel Based on a (Mostly) True Story by Peter Zheutlin (on this site)
- Studies in Life From Jewish Proverbs by W A L Elmslie (on this site)
- Summer of Stolen Secrets by Julie Sternberg (on this site)
- To All Who Call in Truth by Michael Oren (on this site)
- To Repair a Broken World: The Life of Henrietta Szold, Founder of Hadassah by Dvora Hacohen (on this site)
- The Warsaw Orphan: A WWII Novel by Kelly Rimmer (on this site)
- We Can’t Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon (on this site)
- We Must Not Forget: Holocaust Stories of Survival and Resistance by Deborah Hopkinson (on this site)
- What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?: Discover a Life Filled with Purpose and Joy Through the Secrets of Jewish Wisdom by Michal Oshman (on this site)
- The Wizardry Of Jewish Women by Gillian Polack (on this site)
- Wolf Lamb Bomb by Aviya Kushner (on this site)
- The Woman with the Blue Star by Pam Jenoff (on this site)
- Young Captain on a Broken Boat by Isaac Adler (on this site)