The 65 books posted on in September 2022

Here is the list of the 65 books that I posted on in September 2022. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- Alte Zachen / Old Things by Ziggy Hanaor (on this site)
- The Book of Revolutions by Edward Feld (on this site)
- The Boy Behind The Door by David Tabatsky (on this site)
- Brand-New Bubbe by Sarah Aronson (on this site)
- The Broken Night by Bruce Arlen Wasserman (on this site)
- Come to This Court and Cry by Linda Kinstler (on this site)
- Crooked Lines: A Single Mom’s Jewish Journey by Jenna Zark (on this site)
- Cult Classic by Sloane Crosley (on this site)
- Dance the Hora, Isadora by Gloria Koster (on this site)
- The Daughter of Auschwitz by Tova Friedman, Malcolm Brabant (on this site)
- The Desert Unicorn by Bonnie Grubman, Kerry Olitzky (on this site)
- Dirshuni: Contemporary Women’s Midrash by Tamar Biala (Editor) (on this site)
- Experience Is the Angled Road by R. Barbara Gitenstein (on this site)
- Feeding Women of the Talmud, Feeding Ourselves by Kenden Alfond (on this site)
- Flower of Vlora: Growing up Jewish in Communist Albania by Anna Kohen (on this site)
- The Ghetto Within by Santiago H. Amigorena (on this site)
- Hanna by Magali Jeger (on this site)
- Hanukkah Veronica: The Mitzvah Fairy by Wendy Brant, Julie Anne Cooper (on this site)
- Helmi’s Shadow by David Horgan (on this site)
- Homelands: The History of a Friendship by Chitra Ramaswamy (on this site)
- How the Soviet Jew Was Made by Sasha Senderovich (on this site)
- I Never Promised You a Rose Garden by Joanne Greenberg (on this site)
- Is Superman Circumcised? by Roy Schwartz (on this site)
- Jews in Popular Science Fiction: Marginalized in the Mainstream by Valerie Estelle Frankel (Editor) (on this site)
- Jews of Iran by Hassan Sarbakhshian, Lior B. Sternfeld, Parvaneh Vahidmanesh (on this site)
- José and the Pirate Captain Toledano by Arnon Z. Shorr, Joshua M. Edelglass (on this site)
- The Journey of Sarah Levi-Bondi by R. P. Toister (on this site)
- The Lady the Priest and a Rabbi by Bethania Ruiz (on this site)
- The Lamplighter: Experiences Of A Chabad Rebbetzin by Esther Feinstein (on this site)
- Light of the Infinite: The Genesis of Light by Erez Safar (on this site)
- Love by Maayan Eitan (on this site)
- The Man in the Shadows by Alys Clare (on this site)
- Meant to Be Mine by Hannah Orenstein (on this site)
- Mighty Inside by Sundee T. Frazier (on this site)
- Modern Jewish Comfort Food by Shannon Sarna (on this site)
- My Life in the Sunshine by Nabil Ayers (on this site)
- My Mushy Matzah Bal by Arianna Brooks (on this site)
- Naomi Teitelbaum Ends the World by Samara Shanker (on this site)
- On Repentance And Repair by Danya Ruttenberg (on this site)
- One Hundred Saturdays by Michael Frank (on this site)
- The Opera Sisters by Marianne Monson (on this site)
- The Pardon – A Rosh Hashanah Kid Series by Shira Kravitz (on this site)
- The Porridge Pot Goblin by Jacqueline Jules (on this site)
- Pretend Plumber: An Adventure by Stephanie Barbé Hammer (on this site)
- The Prince of Steel Pier by Stacy Nockowitz (on this site)
- Rahel Varnhagen: The Life of a Jewish Woman by Hannah Arendt (on this site)
- Raising Raffi: The First Five Years by Keith Gessen (on this site)
- Rosalind Looked Closer: An Unsung Hero of Molecular Science by Lisa Gerin (on this site)
- Sammy Spider’s First ABC by Sylvia A. Rouss (on this site)
- Shmutz by Felicia Berliner (on this site)
- The Shofar: Halachos, Minhagim, And Mesorah by Bentzion Ettlinger (on this site)
- Splash! Ethelda Bleibtrey Makes Waves of Change by Elisa Boxer (on this site)
- The Stars Will Be My Nightlight: A Sukkot Story by Jen Halpern (on this site)
- The Synagogues of Greece by Dr Elias V. Messinas (on this site)
- Textual Rivalries: Jesus, Midrash, and Kabbalah by Gilad Elbom (on this site)
- Things to Come and Go by Bette Howland (on this site)
- The Thread Collectors by Shaunna J. Edwards, Alyson Richman (on this site)
- Timeless Torah: Inspiring Messages from the Parshah by Moshe Schochet (on this site)
- Trans Talmud: Androgynes and Eunuchs in Rabbinic Literature by Max K. Strassfeld (on this site)
- Unmatched by Sarah Lavane (on this site)
- What Makes an Apple? by Amos Oz with Shira Hadad (on this site)
- What’s in Tuli’s Box? by Ann D. Koffsky (on this site)
- Where from and Where to by Elizabeth Petuchowski (on this site)
- Where You’ve Got to Be by Caroline Gertler (on this site)
- Yossel’s Journey by Kathryn Lasky (on this site)