The 68 books posted on in May 2023

Covers for some of the 69 books posted on in May 2023

Here is the list of the 68 books that I posted on in May 2023. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.

  1. The 7 Deadly Myths by Alex Ryvchin (on this site)
  2. The Babka Sisters by Lesléa Newman (on this site)
  3. Because the World Is Round by Jane Sag­i­naw (on this site)
  4. The Beginnings of Anti-Jewish Legislation by Mária M. Kovács (on this site)
  5. The Best Minds by Jonathan Rosen (on this site)
  6. Between Wisdom and Torah by Jiseong James Kwon, Seth Bledsoe (on this site)
  7. A Black Man’s Existence as a White Jew by Eric B Willis (on this site)
  8. Blood of the Virgin by Sam­my Harkham (on this site)
  9. The Blue Glass Heart by Yona Zeld­is McDo­nough (on this site)
  10. Candle, Feather, Wooden Spoon: New Jewish Stories by Zoe Klein (on this site)
  11. Daddy, Can You Make Me Tall? by Rona Novick PhD (on this site)
  12. A Double Burden by Uzi Rebhun, Dani Kranz, Heinz Sünker (on this site)
  13. Dream Big, Laugh Often and More Great Advice from the Bible by Hanoch Piv­en, Shi­ra Hecht-Koller (on this site)
  14. Ella KVELLe­phant and the Search for Bubbe’s Yid­dish Treasure by Jen Kost­man (on this site)
  15. Essential Torah Words, Names, and Phrases by Michael J. Weinstein (on this site)
  16. The Fam­i­ly Morfawitz by Daniel H. Turtel (on this site)
  17. Friendship in Jewish History, Religion, and Culture by Lawrence Fine (on this site)
  18. German-Jewish Life Writing in the Aftermath of the Holocaust by Dr. Helen Finch (on this site)
  19. Gryphons Don’t Celebrate Shavuot by Michelle Franklin (on this site)
  20. Heidegger and His Jewish Reception by Daniel M. Herskowitz (on this site)
  21. Hero­ines, Res­cuers, Rab­bis, Spies by Sarah Sil­ber­stein Swartz (on this site)
  22. The Holiness of Doubt by Rabbi Joshua Hoffman (on this site)
  23. The House of Love and Prayer: and Oth­er Stories by Tova Reich (on this site)
  24. In Oth­er Life­times All I’ve Lost Comes Back to Me by Court­ney Sender (on this site)
  25. The In-Betweens: A Lyri­cal Memoir by Davon Loeb (on this site)
  26. Inci­dent at San Miguel by A.J. Sidran­sky (on this site)
  27. Intimate Strangers: A History of Jews and Catholics in the City of Rome by Fredric Brandfon (on this site)
  28. Israel and the Question of Reparations from Germany by Jacob Tovy (on this site)
  29. Israel’s Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence by Neil Rogachevsky, Dov Zigler (on this site)
  30. A Jew in the Roman Bathhouse by Yaron Eliav (on this site)
  31. A Jewish Childhood in the Muslim Mediterranean by Lia Brozgal (on this site)
  32. Jewish Life in Canada: William Kurelek by Sarah Milroy (Editor) (on this site)
  33. Jewish Studies on Premodern Periods by Carl S. Ehrlich, Sara R. Horowitz (on this site)
  34. Jews, Race, and the Politics of Difference by Marina B. Mogilner (on this site)
  35. Kib­b­itz and Nosh by Mar­cia Brick­er Halperin (on this site)
  36. Kreisky, Israel and Jew­ish Identity by Daniel Aschheim (on this site)
  37. Lemons in the Fog by Chaya Rochel Zimmerman (on this site)
  38. Leonid Hurwicz: Intelligent Designer by Michael Hurwicz (on this site)
  39. The Lilac Tree by Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch (on this site)
  40. A Link in the Great American Chain by Ira Robinson (on this site)
  41. The Maggid of Sydney by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer (on this site)
  42. The Marriage Box by Corie Adjmi (on this site)
  43. Memory Spaces by Victoria Aarons (on this site)
  44. Moses and the Runaway Lamb by Jacqueline Jules (on this site)
  45. New Microhistorical Approaches to an Integrated History of the Holocaust by Stefan Boberg, Frédéric Bonnesoeur, Hannah Wilson, Christin Zühlke (on this site)
  46. New Voic­es: Con­tem­po­rary Writ­ers Con­fronting the Holocaust by Matthew Sil­ver­man, Howard Debs (on this site)
  47. On the Transcultural Nature of Jewish Periodicals by Michael Nagel, Susanne Marten-Finnis (on this site)
  48. The Paper Man by Billy O’Callaghan (on this site)
  49. The Pebble: An Allegory of the Holocaust by Marius Marcinkevicius (on this site)
  50. The People, the Torah, the God by Jerome Yehuda Gellman (on this site)
  51. Polit­i­cal Pow­er: Volodymyr Zelenskyy by Michael Frizell (on this site)
  52. Popes, Church, and Jews in the Middle Ages by Kenneth Stow (on this site)
  53. Pray­ing with Jane Eyre by Vanes­sa Zoltan (on this site)
  54. Putting God First: Jewish Humanism after Heidegger by Alick Isaacs (on this site)
  55. Sacred Body: Readings in Jewish Literary Illumination by Roberta Sterman Sabbath (on this site)
  56. The Salt Line by You­val Shi­moni (on this site)
  57. The Shortest Road: The Promised Wars: Book Two by David L. Robbins (on this site)
  58. A Small Sac­ri­fice for an Enor­mous Hap­pi­ness: Stories by Jai Chakrabar­ti (on this site)
  59. Studies in the History of Russian-Israeli Literature by Roman Katsman, Maxim D. Shrayer (on this site)
  60. The Swarm by Dalia Neis (on this site)
  61. A Symphony of Remembrance by Stefan A. Carter (on this site)
  62. To Die Beautiful by Buzzy Jack­son (on this site)
  63. The Unknown History of Jewish Women Through the Ages by Rachel Elior (on this site)
  64. We Sur­vived the Holo­caust by Frank W. Bak­er (on this site)
  65. Whatever it Takes: Restoring hope by Shea Hecht (on this site)
  66. When We Disappeared by Elaine Stock (on this site)
  67. Who Gets In: An Immigration Story by Norman Ravvin (on this site)
  68. With Freedom in Our Ears: Histories of Jewish Anarchism by Anna Elena Torres, Kenyon Zimmer (on this site)

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