The 68 books posted on in May 2023

Here is the list of the 68 books that I posted on in May 2023. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- The 7 Deadly Myths by Alex Ryvchin (on this site)
- The Babka Sisters by Lesléa Newman (on this site)
- Because the World Is Round by Jane Saginaw (on this site)
- The Beginnings of Anti-Jewish Legislation by Mária M. Kovács (on this site)
- The Best Minds by Jonathan Rosen (on this site)
- Between Wisdom and Torah by Jiseong James Kwon, Seth Bledsoe (on this site)
- A Black Man’s Existence as a White Jew by Eric B Willis (on this site)
- Blood of the Virgin by Sammy Harkham (on this site)
- The Blue Glass Heart by Yona Zeldis McDonough (on this site)
- Candle, Feather, Wooden Spoon: New Jewish Stories by Zoe Klein (on this site)
- Daddy, Can You Make Me Tall? by Rona Novick PhD (on this site)
- A Double Burden by Uzi Rebhun, Dani Kranz, Heinz Sünker (on this site)
- Dream Big, Laugh Often and More Great Advice from the Bible by Hanoch Piven, Shira Hecht-Koller (on this site)
- Ella KVELLephant and the Search for Bubbe’s Yiddish Treasure by Jen Kostman (on this site)
- Essential Torah Words, Names, and Phrases by Michael J. Weinstein (on this site)
- The Family Morfawitz by Daniel H. Turtel (on this site)
- Friendship in Jewish History, Religion, and Culture by Lawrence Fine (on this site)
- German-Jewish Life Writing in the Aftermath of the Holocaust by Dr. Helen Finch (on this site)
- Gryphons Don’t Celebrate Shavuot by Michelle Franklin (on this site)
- Heidegger and His Jewish Reception by Daniel M. Herskowitz (on this site)
- Heroines, Rescuers, Rabbis, Spies by Sarah Silberstein Swartz (on this site)
- The Holiness of Doubt by Rabbi Joshua Hoffman (on this site)
- The House of Love and Prayer: and Other Stories by Tova Reich (on this site)
- In Other Lifetimes All I’ve Lost Comes Back to Me by Courtney Sender (on this site)
- The In-Betweens: A Lyrical Memoir by Davon Loeb (on this site)
- Incident at San Miguel by A.J. Sidransky (on this site)
- Intimate Strangers: A History of Jews and Catholics in the City of Rome by Fredric Brandfon (on this site)
- Israel and the Question of Reparations from Germany by Jacob Tovy (on this site)
- Israel’s Declaration of Independence by Neil Rogachevsky, Dov Zigler (on this site)
- A Jew in the Roman Bathhouse by Yaron Eliav (on this site)
- A Jewish Childhood in the Muslim Mediterranean by Lia Brozgal (on this site)
- Jewish Life in Canada: William Kurelek by Sarah Milroy (Editor) (on this site)
- Jewish Studies on Premodern Periods by Carl S. Ehrlich, Sara R. Horowitz (on this site)
- Jews, Race, and the Politics of Difference by Marina B. Mogilner (on this site)
- Kibbitz and Nosh by Marcia Bricker Halperin (on this site)
- Kreisky, Israel and Jewish Identity by Daniel Aschheim (on this site)
- Lemons in the Fog by Chaya Rochel Zimmerman (on this site)
- Leonid Hurwicz: Intelligent Designer by Michael Hurwicz (on this site)
- The Lilac Tree by Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch (on this site)
- A Link in the Great American Chain by Ira Robinson (on this site)
- The Maggid of Sydney by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer (on this site)
- The Marriage Box by Corie Adjmi (on this site)
- Memory Spaces by Victoria Aarons (on this site)
- Moses and the Runaway Lamb by Jacqueline Jules (on this site)
- New Microhistorical Approaches to an Integrated History of the Holocaust by Stefan Boberg, Frédéric Bonnesoeur, Hannah Wilson, Christin Zühlke (on this site)
- New Voices: Contemporary Writers Confronting the Holocaust by Matthew Silverman, Howard Debs (on this site)
- On the Transcultural Nature of Jewish Periodicals by Michael Nagel, Susanne Marten-Finnis (on this site)
- The Paper Man by Billy O’Callaghan (on this site)
- The Pebble: An Allegory of the Holocaust by Marius Marcinkevicius (on this site)
- The People, the Torah, the God by Jerome Yehuda Gellman (on this site)
- Political Power: Volodymyr Zelenskyy by Michael Frizell (on this site)
- Popes, Church, and Jews in the Middle Ages by Kenneth Stow (on this site)
- Praying with Jane Eyre by Vanessa Zoltan (on this site)
- Putting God First: Jewish Humanism after Heidegger by Alick Isaacs (on this site)
- Sacred Body: Readings in Jewish Literary Illumination by Roberta Sterman Sabbath (on this site)
- The Salt Line by Youval Shimoni (on this site)
- The Shortest Road: The Promised Wars: Book Two by David L. Robbins (on this site)
- A Small Sacrifice for an Enormous Happiness: Stories by Jai Chakrabarti (on this site)
- Studies in the History of Russian-Israeli Literature by Roman Katsman, Maxim D. Shrayer (on this site)
- The Swarm by Dalia Neis (on this site)
- A Symphony of Remembrance by Stefan A. Carter (on this site)
- To Die Beautiful by Buzzy Jackson (on this site)
- The Unknown History of Jewish Women Through the Ages by Rachel Elior (on this site)
- We Survived the Holocaust by Frank W. Baker (on this site)
- Whatever it Takes: Restoring hope by Shea Hecht (on this site)
- When We Disappeared by Elaine Stock (on this site)
- Who Gets In: An Immigration Story by Norman Ravvin (on this site)
- With Freedom in Our Ears: Histories of Jewish Anarchism by Anna Elena Torres, Kenyon Zimmer (on this site)