The 101 books posted on in November 2021

Here is the list of the 101 books that I posted on in November 2021. The image above contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- The 39 Melachos with Rabbi Juravel – Shugashvili’s Secret by Rabbi Juravel (on this site)
- ABCs of Torah and Science by Dr. Herman Presby (on this site)
- The Angel and the Cholent: Food Representation from the Israel Folktale Archives by Idit Pintel-Ginsberg (on this site)
- Anne Frank on the Postwar Dutch Stage: Performance, Memory, Affect by Remco Ensel (on this site)
- Antiquities by Cynthia Ozick (on this site)
- Babka, Boulou, & Blintzes by Michael Leventhal (on this site)
- The Backyard Secrets of Danny Wexler by Karen Pokras (on this site)
- Barbed Wire University by Dave Hannigan (on this site)
- A Bear for Bimi by Jane Breskin Zalben (on this site)
- The Beginning of Kabbalah Wisdoms by Kolomous Kalman Altessler (on this site)
- Beyond the Synagogue: Jewish Nostalgia as Religious Practice by Rachel Gross (on this site)
- Blind Man’s Labyrinth by Daryl Potter (on this site)
- Bluebird by Sharon Cameron (on this site)
- Can We Talk About Israel? by Daniel Sokatch (on this site)
- The City Beautiful by Aden Polydoros (on this site)
- The concept of Ruach Raah in contemporary rabbinic responsa (1945-2000) by Leon Mock (on this site)
- Covenant and the Jewish Conversion Question: Extending the Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik by Benji Levy (on this site)
- Creating Community: The Jews of Springfield, Missouri by Mara W. Cohen Ioannides (on this site)
- Curvy Girl’s Guide to Finding a Husband: A Jewish Romantic Comedy by Shelly Bell (on this site)
- DIJ — Do It Jewish: Use Your Jewish Creativity! by Barbara Bietz (on this site)
- Dispelling the Myth by Diana Hochman (on this site)
- A Doorway to Heroism: A decorated German-Jewish Soldier who became an American Hero by W Jack Romberg (on this site)
- Dreamers by Angela Hunt (on this site)
- The Dressmakers of Auschwitz: The True Story of the Women Who Sewed to Survive by Lucy Adlington (on this site)
- Emmanuel Levinas’s Talmudic Turn: Philosophy and Jewish Thought by Ethan Kleinberg (on this site)
- Escape From the Nazis by Johnny Dwork, Gertrud Englander, Bonnie Dwork (on this site)
- The Essential Jewish Baking Cookbook: 50 Traditional Recipes for Every Occasion by Beth A. Lee (on this site)
- Falik and His House by Jacob Dinezon (on this site)
- Forget Prayers, Bring Cake: A Single Woman’s Guide to Grieving by Merissa Nathan Gerson (on this site)
- From Darkness to Light: Testimonies of Six Holocaust Survivors by Ronald J. Diller (on this site)
- The Garden of Angels by David Hewson (on this site)
- Gitty and Kvetch by Caroline Kusin Pritchard (on this site)
- The Glass House by Rafael Shamay (on this site)
- Going West: Migrating Personae and Construction of the Self in Rabbinic Culture by Reuven Kiperwasser (on this site)
- The Golden Dreidel by Ellen Kushner (on this site)
- Gottika by Helaine Becker (on this site)
- Growing up Jewish in India by Ori Z Soltes (on this site)
- The Growth and Destruction of the Community of Uscilug by Aryeh Avinadav (on this site)
- Hannah G. Solomon Dared to Make a Difference by Bonnie Lindauer (on this site)
- Historians at the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial: Their Role as Expert Witnesses by Mathew Turner (on this site)
- Holocaust Fighters: Boxers, Resisters, and Avengers by Jeffrey Sussman (on this site)
- Horodno Burning by Michael Freed-Thall (on this site)
- How Did It Happen?: Understanding the Holocaust by Christoph Dieckmann, Rūta Vanagaitė (on this site)
- If This Is the Age We End Discovery by Rosebud Ben-Oni (on this site)
- Irma Stern and the Racial Paradox of South African Modern Art: Audacities of Color by LaNitra M. Berger (on this site)
- Israel Redeemed: Inspiration for the Jewish Festivals by Rabbi Dov Begon (on this site)
- It’s All The Same To Me: A Torah Guide To Inner Peace and Love of Life by Moshe Gersht (on this site)
- Jewish Approaches to Hinduism: A History of Ideas from Judah Ha-Levi to Jacob Sapir (12th–19th centuries) by Richard G. Marks (on this site)
- Jewish Childhood in Kraków: A Microhistory of the Holocaust by Joanna Sliwa (on this site)
- Jewish integrity for resilience; thoughts on Chutzpah, Wisdom and Wine: The Journey of an Unstoppable Woman by Jodi Samuels (on this site)
- Jewish Socratic Questions in an Age without Plato by Yehuda Halper (on this site)
- Jews and Gender by Leonard J. Greenspoon (on this site)
- Jews and Their Roman Rivals: Pagan Rome’s Challenge to Israel by Katell Berthelot (on this site)
- Larry’s Latkes by Jenna Waldman (on this site)
- The Last Checkmate by Gabriella Saab (on this site)
- Lies That Matter by Allan Gerson (on this site)
- The Lost Girl from Belzec by Ravit Raufman (on this site)
- Machseh Lajesoumim: A Jewish Orphanage in the City of Leiden, 1890-1943 by Dr. Jaap Focke (on this site)
- The Magical Imperfect by Chris Baron (on this site)
- Man Ray: The Artist and His Shadows by Arthur Lubow (on this site)
- The Matzah Ball by Jean Meltzer (on this site)
- Meir Kahane by Shaul Magid (on this site)
- The Merging of Two Oceans: Nine Talks on Sufism & Hasidism by Netanel Miles-Yépez (on this site)
- Movie-Made Jews: An American Tradition by Helene Meyers (on this site)
- Overcoming the Retributive Nature of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Thomas L. Saaty, H. J. Zoffer, Luis G. Vargas, Amos Guiora (on this site)
- The Passport as Home: Comfort in Rootlessness by Andrei S. Markovits (on this site)
- Peter Owen, Not a Nice Jewish Boy: Memoirs of a Maverick by Peter Owen, James Nye (on this site)
- Pinky Bloom and the Case of the Magical Menorah by Judy Press (on this site)
- Planting Friendship: Peace, Salaam, Shalom by Callie Metler, Melissa Stoller (on this site)
- Polemical and Exegetical Polarities in Medieval Jewish Cultures: Studies in Honour of Daniel J. Lasker by Ehud Krinis, Nabih Bashir, Sara Offenberg, Shalom Sadik (on this site)
- The Prince and the Emperors: The Life and Times of Rabbi Judah the Prince by Dov Zakheim (on this site)
- Principles and Pedagogies in Jewish by Barry Chazan (on this site)
- The Prodigal Child by Irène Némirovsky (on this site)
- A Queen to the Rescue: The Story of Henrietta Szold, Founder of Hadassah by Nancy Churnin (on this site)
- The Rabbi and the Painter by Shoshona Weiss (on this site)
- Real Estate: A Living Autobiography by Deborah Levy (on this site)
- Recipe for Disaster by Aimee Lucido (on this site)
- Red and Green and Blue and White by Lee Wind (on this site)
- Resilience A Jewish Guide To Facing Adversity, Fostering Strength, And Living Your Best Life by Leslie M. Gutman PHD (on this site)
- Self-Portrait, with Parents and Footnotes: In and Out of a Postwar Jewish Childhood by Annette Aronowicz (on this site)
- Seven Days of Shiva: Forty-six years of puppy love by Marc Gellman (on this site)
- The Seventh Handmaiden by Judith Pransky (on this site)
- Shield of the Maccabees: A Hanukkah Graphic Novel by Eric Kimmel (on this site)
- The Shoemaker’s Son: The Life of a Holocaust Resister by Laura Beth Bakst (on this site)
- A Small Book of Jewish Comedians by Tony Nourmand (on this site)
- Somewhere between Islam and Judaism: Critical Reflections by Aaron W. Hughes (on this site)
- The Soul of the Mishna by Yakov Nagen (on this site)
- Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood by Mark Oppenheimer (on this site)
- Starfish by Lisa Fipps (on this site)
- The State of Israel vs. the Jews by Sylvain Cypel (on this site)
- Sylvie by Sylvie Kantorovitz (on this site)
- Thank You Modeh Ani by Rabbi Alyson Solomon (on this site)
- Think Higher Feel Deeper: Holocaust Education in the Secondary Classroom by Mark Gudgel (on this site)
- The Three Latkes by Eric A. Kimmel (on this site)
- Tonight Is Already Tomorrow by Lia Levi (on this site)
- Turning Point: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Confront Greek Philosophy by Jeff Bergner (on this site)
- The Uncannonical Jewish Books by William John Ferrar (on this site)
- Warsaw Ghetto Police by Katarzyna Person (on this site)
- What We’re Scared Of by Keren David (on this site)
- Why Is Everybody Yelling?: Growing Up in My Immigrant Family by Marisabina Russo (on this site)
- Yael Bartana: The Book of Malka Germania; Edited by Shelley Harten, Gregor Lersch (on this site)