The 54 books posted on in April 2023

Here is the list of the 54 books that I posted on in April 2023. The image contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.
- All Good Tova Goodman by Mary E. Carter (on this site)
- Antisemitism Before the Holocaust by Richard E. Frankel (on this site)
- Arthur Szyk Preserved by Irvin Ungar, Samantha Lyons (on this site)
- The Babylonian Talmud and Late Antique Book Culture by Monika Amsler (on this site)
- Beethoven in the Bunker by Fred Brouwers (on this site)
- Between Paradise & Earth: Eve Poems by Nomi Stone and Luke Hankins (editors) (on this site)
- Bruno Schulz: An Artist, a Murder, and the Hijacking of History by Benjamin Balint (on this site)
- Classic Essays on Jews in Early Modern Europe by Jonathan Karp, Francesca Trivellato (Editors) (on this site)
- The Confidante by Christopher C. Gorham (on this site)
- Debbie’s Song by Ellen Leventhal (on this site)
- The Diary Keepers by Nina Siegal (on this site)
- The Dressmaker’s Parcels by Silvano Stagni (on this site)
- First Impressions by Joseph A. Skloot (on this site)
- Fractured Tablets by Mira Balberg (on this site)
- The Friend that Stayed: A book on Empathy by Chanie Kamman (on this site)
- Good for a Single Journey by Helen Joyce (on this site)
- Happily: A Personal History-with Fairy Tales by Sabrina Orah Mark (on this site)
- Hotel Cuba by Aaron Hamburger (on this site)
- How History and Genetics Define Jewish Diversity and Identity by Boris Draznin (on this site)
- Ignaz Goldziher as a Jewish Orientalist by Tamás Turán (on this site)
- Impossible Takes Longer by Daniel Gordis (on this site)
- In the Shadow of the Wall by Vincent Lemire (on this site)
- Jewish Piety in Islamic Jerusalem by Jessica Andruss (on this site)
- Jewish-Ukrainian Relations and the Birth of a Political Nation by Vladislav Davidzon (on this site)
- Kantika by Elizabeth Graver (on this site)
- Levinson of Harvard by L.M. Vincent (on this site)
- Longing: Poems of a Life by Merle Feld (on this site)
- Meat Matters by Hagar Salamon (on this site)
- Modern Jewish Philosophy and the Politics of Divine Violence by Daniel H. Weiss (on this site)
- Mouse Malachi Discovers the Sabbath by Dreama Archibald (on this site)
- On the Boundaries of Flexibility: Thoughts on “Shadows We Carry” by Meryl Ain (on this site)
- Passover: A Celebration of Freedom by Bonnie Bader (on this site)
- The Philosophical Pathos of Susan Taubes by Elliot R. Wolfson (on this site)
- PURE by Jo Perry (Fahrenheit Press) (on this site)
- The Rabbi and His Donkey by Susan Tarcov (on this site)
- Remember Who You Used to Be by Peter Thornthwaite (on this site)
- The Road to Auschwitz by Walter Zapotoczny (on this site)
- Rose Spoke Out by Emma Carlson Berne (on this site)
- Shabbat. A Day to Create Yourself by Warren Goldstein (on this site)
- Shelf Life by Martin Sneider (on this site)
- A Sky Full of Song by Susan Lynn Meyer (on this site)
- Sources for Studying the Holocaust: A Guide by Paul R. Bartrop (Editor) (on this site)
- Still Pictures: On Photography and Memory by Janet Malcolm (on this site)
- Straddling Black and White by Kim Salzman (on this site)
- A Sturdy Yes of a People by Joan Nestle (on this site)
- The Therapized Antisemite by Christopher L. Schilling (on this site)
- Totally Kosher by Chanie Apfelbaum (on this site)
- Under One Tent: Circus, Judaism, and Bible by Ora Horn Prouser, Michael Kasper, Ayal Prouser (Editors) (on this site)
- Unearthed by Meryl Frank (on this site)
- Viila and the Doomsday Affair by Roger Danchik (on this site)
- The Wandering Womb: Essays in Search of Home by S. L. Wisenberg (on this site)
- Wisdom Grows in My Garden by Paul Plotkin (on this site)
- A Worthy Life by Dahlia Moore (on this site)
- Yossi and Nussi and the Rainy Day Dare by Rachel Farkas (on this site)