The 80 books posted on in September 2020

Covers of the 80 books posted on in September 2020

Here is the list of the 80 books that I posted on in September 2020. The image above contains some of the covers. The bold links take you to the book’s page on Amazon; the “on this site” links to the book’s page on this site.

  1. 365 Rosh Hashanah Recipes: A Highly Recommended Rosh Hashanah Cookbook by Tatiana Soto (on this site)
  2. Abraham The Father of the Jewish People by Nathan Drazin (on this site)
  3. Amsterdam’s People of the Book: Jewish Society and the Turn to Scripture in the Seventeenth Century by Benjamin E Fisher (on this site)
  4. Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism: The Dynamics of Delegitimization by Alvin H. Rosenfeld (on this site)
  5. Arabs and Jews in Ottoman Palestine: Two Worlds Collide by Alan Dowty (on this site)
  6. Armed with Spirit by Shalom Hammer (on this site)
  7. The Artisanal Kitchen: Jewish Holiday Baking: Inspired Recipes for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Purim, Passover, and More by Uri Scheft (on this site)
  8. The Assignment by Liza Wiemer (on this site)
  9. Balanced Teshuva: Guidance and Inspiration for Baalei Teshuvah by Jenny Serle (on this site)
  10. Being Jewish in 21st Century Central Europe by Dina Porat, Olaf Glöckner, Haim Fireberg, Marcela Zoufalá (on this site)
  11. The Best Sukkot Pumpkin Ever by Laya Steinberg (on this site)
  12. The Big Awesome Rosh Hashanah Coloring and Activity Book For Kids and Adults!: High Holidays, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Jewish Holiday Gift … Sided Coloring Book by Adam Ehrlich Sachs (on this site)
  13. The Book of Life: A Transformative Guide to the High Holidays by Rabbi Eliezer Hirsch (on this site)
  14. Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy by Joshua Holo (on this site)
  15. Ceremonial Synagogue Textiles: From Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Italian Communities by Bracha Yaniv (on this site)
  16. Colloquium of the Seven About Secrets of the Sublime by Jean Bodin (on this site)
  17. David Bergelson’s Strange New World: Untimeliness and Futurity by Harriet Murav (on this site)
  18. Days of Awe, Days of Joy by Hershel Schachter, Abraham J Twerski, Mayer Twersky (on this site)
  19. A Deep Dive into the Jewish Calendar for the Mathematically Challenged by Dr. Fred Reiss (on this site)
  20. Don’t Go Crazy Without Me: A Tragicomic Memoir by Debo­rah A. Lott (on this site)
  21. Eliezer Eilburg: The Ten Questions and Memoir of a Renaissance Jewish Skeptic by Joseph Davis (on this site)
  22. Essential High Holidays From Scratch: Recipes from My Mother’s Kitchen by Dori G Walker (on this site)
  23. Excavations at Maresha Subterranean Complex 169: Final Report: Seasons 2000-2016 by Ian Stern (on this site)
  24. Filling in the Pieces A Survival Story of the Holocaust by Izaak Sturm (on this site)
  25. Francesco Tirelli’s Ice Cream Shop by Tamar Meir (on this site)
  26. Gefilte Fish, Challah, Tzimmes and More: 20 Rosh Hashanah Recipes From My Israeli Cuisine by Miriam Gurov (on this site)
  27. German, Jew, Muslim, Gay: The Life and Times of Hugo Marcus by Marc David Baer (on this site)
  28. The Golem’s Gift by Benny Zelkowicz (on this site)
  29. Grover Goes to Israel by Joni Kibort Sussman (on this site)
  30. Hasidism Beyond Modernity: Essays in Habad Thought and History by Naftali Loewenthal (on this site)
  31. Here We Are: My Friendship with Philip Roth by Ben­jamin Taylor (on this site)
  32. Hillel Builds a House by Shoshana Lepon (on this site)
  33. The Holocaust in Greece; Editors: Giorgos Antoniou, A. Dirk Moses by Joni Kibort Sussman (on this site)
  34. A Hoopoe Says Oop!: Animals of Israel by Jamie Kiffel-Alcheh (on this site)
  35. In The Spider’s Web by Avraham Ohayon (on this site)
  36. Inspired: Rosh Hashanah Prayer Companion by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin (on this site)
  37. Israel’s Jewish Identity Crisis: State and Politics in the Middle East by Yaacov Yadgar (on this site)
  38. Jewish Communal Service in Romania and Poland 1986-2006 Partnership, Challenges, and Transitions by Zvi Feine (on this site)
  39. Jewish Identity in American Art: A Golden Age Since the 1970’s by Matthew Baigell (on this site)
  40. A Jewish Jesuit in the Eastern Mediterranean: Early Modern Conversion, Mission, and the Construction of Identity by Robert John Clines (on this site)
  41. Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity: Betrothal, Marriage, and Infidelity in the Writings of Ephrem the Syrian by Yifat Monnickendam (on this site)
  42. Jewish Religious Music in Nineteenth-Century America: Restoring the Synagogue Soundtrack by Judah M. Cohen (on this site)
  43. A Jewish Woman of Distinction: The Life and Diaries of Zinaida Poliakova by ChaeRan Y. Freeze (on this site)
  44. Jews on the Frontier: Religion and Mobility in Nineteenth-Century America by Shari Rabin (on this site)
  45. Judaism for the World: Reflections on God, Life, and Love by Arthur Green (on this site)
  46. Justice in the West Bank?: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Goes to Court by Yonah Jeremy Bob (on this site)
  47. The Key from Spain: Flory Jagoda and Her Music by Debbie Levy (on this site)
  48. Kol Hakavod: Way to Go! by Jamie Kiffel-Alcheh (on this site)
  49. Kugel for Hanukkah? by Gretchen M. Everin (on this site)
  50. Learning on the Left: Political Profiles of Brandeis University by Stephen J. Whitfield (on this site)
  51. Life Support: Invitation to Prayer by Judith Cohen Margolis (on this site)
  52. Listen!: Israel’s All Around by Jamie Kiffel-Alcheh (on this site)
  53. The Long Life of Magical Objects: A Study in the Solomonic Tradition by Allegra Iafrate (on this site)
  54. Love Remains: A Rosh Hashanah Story of Transformation by Rabbi Ari Moffic and Jessica Leving (on this site)
  55. Machzor Companion 2020: Presented by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School in Partnership with the International Rabbinic Fellowship & Maharat (on this site)
  56. The Miracle of the Golden Dove and Other Stories by Genendel Krohn (on this site)
  57. Mitzvah Pizza by Sarah Lynn Scheerger (on this site)
  58. A Mortuary of Books: The Rescue of Jewish Culture after the Holocaust by Elisabeth Gallas (on this site)
  59. Mother for Dinner by Shalom Auslander (on this site)
  60. The Mystery and the Majesty: The grandeur and nobility of the Days of Awe and Joy by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein (on this site)
  61. Night Lights: A Sukkot Story by Bar­bara Dia­mond Goldin (on this site)
  62. Old Canaan in a New World: Native Americans and the Lost Tribes of Israel by Elizabeth Fenton (on this site)
  63. The Organs of Sense by Adam Ehrlich Sachs (on this site)
  64. Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 32: Jews and Music-Making in the Polish Lands by François Guesnet, Benjamin Matis, Antony Polonsky (on this site)
  65. Rabbi Eliezer Berland on Jewish Holidays by Eliezer Berland (on this site)
  66. Recipes of My 15 Grandmothers by Genie Milgrom (on this site)
  67. Recommended for You by LauÂra Silverman (on this site)
  68. Rosh Hashanah Mandalas Coloring Book: Relaxing Mandala Patterns With Jewish New Year Themes – Shanah Tovah, Shofar, Pomegranate, Apples & Honey by Rachel Mintz (on this site)
  69. Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement: A Revolution in the Name of Tradition by Naomi Seidman (on this site)
  70. A Seder for Grover by Joni Kibort Sussman (on this site)
  71. Social Change and Halakhic Evolution in American Orthodoxy by Chaim I. Waxman (on this site)
  72. Sukkot Is Coming! by Tracy Newman (on this site)
  73. Think Least of Death: Spinoza On How To Live And How To Die by Steven Nadler (on this site)
  74. Three Rings: A Tale of Exile, Narrative, and Fate by Daniel Mendelsohn (on this site)
  75. Tradition, Interpretation, and Change: Developments in the Liturgy of Medieval and Early Modern Ashkenaz by Kenneth E. Berger (on this site)
  76. The Tunnel by A.B. Yehoshua (on this site)
  77. Uman Rosh HaShanah: With the Real Tzaddik by Jonathan Rietti, David Dombrowsky (on this site)
  78. Wonders of Creation: Marvels of Our World by Rabbi Yaakov Lubin (on this site)
  79. A Yamim Noraim Primer by Rabb Avi Baumol (on this site)
  80. Yellow Star, Red Star: Holocaust Remembrance after Communism by Jelena Subotic (on this site)

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